“On my first day I met my team, and then the customer”
Onareti Ferrari, Sales
Growth is important and endless at P&G. It was clear from the start that this is a huge company with infinite possibilities for me to develop a great career. Every manager and team leader here wants their team to feel confident and happy while they are performing at their best, and they’ll support you to make sure you can do just that. Training and learning tools are important, but it’s the hands-on experience that makes all the difference.
On my first day, my manager took me to a meeting with a new client so I could see firsthand what it was all about. It was great to watch how my manager conducted the meeting and all the tips she gave me after it was over. One of the greatest pieces of advice was to put myself in my client’s shoes and learn the true objective behind their actions. That way, I’d better understand how to negotiate with them. After a very short time, I was given a lot of freedom to work with my clients in my own unique way. And I had the exciting opportunity to be the first Sales Representative for a totally new client.
It’s great to know that the work I do makes a difference in different ways. It makes me proud knowing that I’ve impacted not just the company and our consumers in a positive way, but also the lives of my colleagues. I hope that this will be my legacy I leave when and if I move on from my team.