MCC Vezetőképző Klub
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Tired of browsing through hundreds of jobs? Use your LinkedIn profile to search for jobs quickly
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P&G facilitates your search via TalentBrew, a job matching tool developed by TMP Worldwide. TalentBrew uses the LinkedIn application to extract job relevant information from a user’s LinkedIn profile (name, email, city, experience, education, skills & endorsements, recommendations, accomplishments and interests). P&G processes your data pursuant to its Candidate Privacy Notice.
We use that information to run an automated keyword-based comparison against P&G’s job descriptions and then present our available roles sorted by order of relevancy to your qualifications. The encrypted user data is only cached within our servers for 24 hours to save time for returning users. We do not access, process or store this information except to provide the job matching service
Thank you for attending our event. If you would like to keep in touch with us and find out more about upcoming events and opportunities available, please complete your details in the form below.