P&G Schwalbach
P&G Schwalbach is the German Headquarter and General Offices for Germany. It covers the German Selling Market Organization as well as the Research & Development center for paper products.
Procter & Gamble Germany GmbH & CO Operations OHG, Sulzbacher Str. 40, 65824 Schwalbach/Taunus
Frequent career opportunities for internships and full-time employment within all commercial teams like Marketing, Sales, Finance, Consumer & Market Knowledge, Human Resources, Supply Network Operations, and Information Technology with background of any kind of economic and business studies. Moreover, in Research & Development teams, such as Engineers and Scientists (Bachelor/Master/PhD) with background in mechanical-, electrical-, chemical-, industrial-, plastic- or precision-Engineering, mechatronics, or packaging; in Physical Sciences such as chemistry, polymer chemistry, physics, materials technology, and science or mathematical modeling & simulation; in Life Sciences, such as biochemistry, biotechnology, biology, pharmacy and microbiology.
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