Nada Sorour
Paper Junior Brand Manager
Former Brand Management Intern, 2019, Egypt
Within the span of only 2 months at P&G, I changed completely the vision I had set for myself. It was with no doubts, a unique and an eye opener experience. What really differentiates this internship from any other, is how it enables you to perform. It equips you with all the needed resources, and in parallel it gives you the space to act. Simply it strikes the right balance needed for successful achievements. From Day 1, I have noticed and felt the impact of the people and culture of P&G; I was Included, Appreciated, and Trusted. My manager and my team were always keen to help me grow, learn, and leave an impact on any and all projects I worked on. In a nutshell, they helped me get a glimpse and a feel of what it really means to be part of the P&G family: an environment that is receptive to new ideas, one that accommodates for each and everyone’s needs, and most importantly one that sets personal and business growth as top priority. I have embarked on a journey of infinite growth, and looking forward to all the upcoming milestones with P&G.