Justyna Wasilewska - Started as Data Management Specialist, today Senior IT Manager in Data & Analytics DevOps organization
I started in P&G long time ago, in 2005. IT was known as IDS (Information & Decision Solutions) and I was a student of 4th year in Warsaw School of Economics at that time.
When I joined the Market Measurements department the project of Gillette Integration has been activated, as P&G has acquired Gillette and this was complex endeavor on so many fronts. My role as a Data Specialist was to unify the data sets (product hierarchies, measures, other data attributes) and deploy new reporting system: MAP (Market Analysis Platform) in Southern Europe.
Since the very first day I was exposed to challenging projects, multinational environment and modern technologies. I worked extensively with external vendors delivering the Market Measurements data for Business Analysts and other knowledge workers in P&G. I especially enjoyed conducting multiple training sessions for business partners from marketing, sales and other departments on how to read & use the Market Measurements data. I was also involved into negotiating major contacts for data deliveries with data providers.
Over those 15 years with P&G, I managed to develop my skill set in so many areas of IT, like project/program management, application lifecycle, support/operations, data, vendor management, cloud computing, or DevOps. Many of those had been proved by external certifications I obtained, like PMP, ITIL, Scrum Master, or DevOps Leader. I am currently working on getting certified MS Azure Architect which requires passing two exams, extensive knowledge and “hands-on” experience.